World travel plan: Tahiti

World travel plan :Tahiti Hello everyone! This time, I would like to plan where I want to travel in the world. Since I got to know about Bora Bora Island in Tahiti, I really want to go there. I made a pla n to do if I go the re . Pleas e refer to reading my blog! 1. see Otemanu mountain from Bora Bora Island 2. Diving with Sharks 3. Diving with fishes 4. having lunch on the ocean 5. Sleep on the hammock 6. experience safari 7. Doing Marin activity 8. Stay the hotel on the ocean 9. see the night view 10. watch the night show Bora Bora Island is not a big Island, but you can do lots of things there. I need to go there before I die! Thank you for reading my blog, watch video if you want! Here is Bora Bora Island↓