Books survey analysis

My research topic: Books
Target: Japanese University students
Number of respondents: (16)

Summary* I questioned 9 questions.16 students answered to this survey about books, there are lots of responses which include a lot of interesting information. 
All of answers can be useful information for you as well.

Question and analysis*

I am surprised at there are lots of people who prefer to read self-enlightenment books. I also like that kind of books, but I imagined the category of books which is read the most would be novels or magazines. 
It may be the characteristic of Japan. 
Because most of people who answered were young generation, the number of people who read newspaper was a few. It may be changing the shape of newspaper from the paper to electronic book.

The 1st question and 2nd question were similar, but the answer was different. 
The novels was the most popular as the book which is read daily.
Immeasurably, business book were popular!
It was sad that nobody usually read newspaper, then the newspaper publishing company may need to consider to be popular among young generations.

As you see, many of the students read book once in a week!
Also, most of them read books often in average.
According to this graph,it is clarified that the amounts of books the students read doesn't change by the season.

Recommendation from others and by reading contents of books were the common method to buy books. I understand about the answer because I decide to buy books by that reasons.
It is fun that many of the students buy books by the feeling. I also buy books by just feeling then!

It is very good answers that nobody is unsatisfied about the books after reading!
I also never met the book that evaluation would be 1-3. 
But I guess this answers mean that people tend not to buy the books they would not be interested in. I desire a bit for people to read books which they aren't interested in but to be fans after reading!

I am surprised that most of students read books but the last time they bought books are completely different!
One of them bought the books in two years ago, on the other hand other students bought recently.
I assume the students who bought books long time ago would rend the books from library of friends!

It is also interesting that many people read books in the night!
That time must be relaxed time for them.
I read books when I am in the train for going to and getting back from university, so the morning and the night. My answer suits with this survey!


Most of the students answered that they read books.
For them, it didn't need this question!




As you see, there are lots of recommended books from the students!
There are books both in Japanese and English, so why don't you try what you are interested in by the title?

At last...

How was the questionnaire?
The answers were so interesting for me, and the comment at last question was persuasive so I need to improve the questions next time!
I hope you enjoyed reading the blog :)
Thank you for people who answered for my survey, thank you for people who read this analysis!


  1. Thank you for sharing your great analysis!!! Book's survey is very interesting!!!

    1. Thank you for your comment! I rrecommend you to read some books which were written in the last question!

  2. Great Analysis! I think I should read more books and less internet news. I always feel satisfied after reading a book and sometimes find I'm not when reading internet news. I should read books everyday.

  3. It is nice to check the recommendations on the last question. Thanks for sharing

  4. Thank you for your analysis about books! Books that respondents recommended was interesting.

  5. I enjoyed reading the analysis. I would check the books recommended on the last question. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you for sharing your analysis, I am a huge bookworm so I really like reading books. However it is quite hard for me to find english books in Japan. Please tell me your recommendations if you know english book store in Japan :)

  7. I am surprised that most of the respondents read novel than comic. I thought comic would be more popular in Japan. I also find it amazing that people choose a book based on friend`s recommendation and content summary, I thought it was just me.

  8. Thank you for sharing. I don't read book at all, so I was surprised many of the students do once in a week.




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